Eva Justina Webb


My name is Eva Webb.

I am from Philadelphia, Pennsylanvia. I am a junior at Saint Joseph's University, majoring in communications and minoring in art history

I work with many different medias and programs. I worked with Adoble products such as: Premiere Pro, Photoshop, Audition, and Illustrator. I also used other programs such as Figma and Canva.

An Athlete

I have done many sports growing up such as track and fencing, however the one I chose to continue with into college was cheerleading. I have cheered for 6 years and working on my 7th. I have competed at both UCA and NCA nationals. Last year, SJU placed 5th in the Nation under the catagory of Collegiate D1.

In addition to cheerleading, I am a martial artist. I been training for almost 4 years now and I am a first degree senior black belt.

These sports thought me the importance of collabration, self-displance, time management, and honor.

My ambitions and goals

My goal is to experience what the world has to offer. I love to travel and meet new people. I want to be able to share my experiences and personality with others in this world. As a 20-year-old, I have traveled to 1 country and three states.

I would love to work in the field of journalism or design. With journalism, I want to report the news and travel to different places. Just for the experience, I want to work in a Japanese office and experience Japanese culture. It is something I been obessed with for almost 8 years now.